Install pyuic5 for mac
Install pyuic5 for mac

install pyuic5 for mac
  1. #Install pyuic5 for mac install
  2. #Install pyuic5 for mac windows 8.1
  3. #Install pyuic5 for mac code
  4. #Install pyuic5 for mac download

#Install pyuic5 for mac download

To begin, I have already designed a GUI and saved it as firstgui.ui, which you can download from: link here. I will first explain the steps labelled CONVERT, CODE, and EXECUTE. The complete process is summarized in the picture below. I’m going to build up the steps in reverse order: first I’ll give you an already made GUI, ensure that you can run it in Python, then have you create your own and run it in Python. Most PyQt tutorials will have you create a GUI first then load it into Python.

install pyuic5 for mac

Loading and Running a GUI in Python via PyQt Other possible solutions to the DLL error can be found here.Īll set? Lets move on to making our first GUI.

install pyuic5 for mac

Note: the PyQt installer names what it supports in the filename, for instance “PyQt5-5.4.1-gpl- P圓.4-Qt5.4.1- 圆4.exe” is for Python 3.4 64-bit. If you receive an error saying “ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified procedure could not be found.”, it could be that you installed a version of PyQt that is not compatible with your version of Python For example: installing 32-bit PyQt and 64-bit python, or installing Python 3.5 and the version of PyQt made for Python 3.4. If you receive an error saying “No module named ‘whatever'” then probably PyQt5 was not installed properly or the site-packages directory containing PyQt5 is not in your PATH. If successful, you will receive no errors and be returned to Python’s “>” prompt, as shown below: Then, at Python’s prompt (there should be a set of “>” and a blinking cursor waiting for your input), type:įrom PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets If you want to be able to simply type “python” on the command line, you should add the directory containing python.exe to your PATH. If that doesn’t work, try specifying the complete path to Python: Open up your favorite command line or terminal – I’m using Windows, so open Start Menu > Command Prompt (or cmd.exe), and run Python: Next, lets make sure Python has access to the PyQt5 package. Within this directory there are library files for Python, and executables and scripts (we will use designer.exe and pyuic5.bat later). On my system it is located in: C:\Program Files\Python34\Lib\site-packages\PyQt5. Once installed, you should have a directory called PyQt5 inside Python’s site-packages directory.

install pyuic5 for mac

Go ahead and download the package(s) of your choice and complete the installation (details of installation are outside the scope of this tutorial). If you want an installation like I used in this tutorial, you can use the 64-bit Python 3.4 WinPython package. WinPython is portable, making it a great choice if you want to run multiple versions of Python or if you want an installation that won’t mess with anything else you have installed already.

#Install pyuic5 for mac install

Windows users may also choose to install WinPython, which is a container that contains Python, many 3rd party Python packages, PyQt, Qt Designer, a coding IDE called Spyder, and IPython. I am using PyQt5 from the PyQt Downloads page, more specifically I used the 64-bit Windows installer: PyQt5-5.4.1-gpl-P圓.4-Qt5.4.1-圆4.exe You do not need to install Qt itself – PyQt contains the Qt Designer executable and all necessary Python packages (at least on Windows it does) ( Update: PyQt apparently doesn’t ship with Qt Designer anymore, you can try getting it via pip install pyqt5-tools or from a third-party installer). PyQt contains everything you need to start building GUIs in Qt Designer for use in Python. Qt in Python is done via a package called PyQt. Note: I tried using Python 3.5 but it did not work with Qt – perhaps there’s a workaround but I did not explore this. I am using Python 3.4, and I’m going to assume that you already have it installed.

#Install pyuic5 for mac windows 8.1

I am writing this post to show what steps I took in order to use Windows 8.1 64-bit with the latest versions of Python and Qt: Python 3.4 and PyQt 5. This post is inspired by the tutorial by Alex Fedosov, called “ Tutorial: Creating GUI Applications in Python with QT“, which uses Python 2.x, PyQt 3.x, and QT Designer 3.x and demonstrates the steps on a Linux operating system (Fedora or RedHat). Then, the *.ui file can be converted automatically into a Python class ready to be imported into your Python program. Qt Designer allows you to design your GUIs visually and save them in a *.ui file (which is just an XML file listing every component in your GUI and defining each component’s properties). Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a visual tool for making GUIs? A GUI for making GUIs? Enter Qt Designer (see featured image at start of post).

#Install pyuic5 for mac code

However, designing the GUI is done purely in code which means that a simple dialog window may consist of ~500 lines of code and is tedious to move or resize elements. A common way of making Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) in Python is to use Tk via the Tkinter package.

Install pyuic5 for mac